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Me and Goku in Tokyo in August 2017.

I’m excited to write this, I have been thinking about starting a blog for a long time since I discontinued Dan San TV, I’ll get into why that happened right now while we’re on the topic but first let me share with you a little of my backstory…

I have a strong hunger to share value with my fellow aspiring entrepreneurs and peers but to be honest maintaining the YouTube channel at 3 videos per week plus the daily Facebook live videos was too much time, money and energy than I was willing to invest at the time and my videographer partner was going through some personal issues that had to come before the show. So in mid-August of 2016 we stopped putting out videos.

We went from putting out 10 videos per week to 0. I was starting from ground zero again, except at least now I had a music album and 52 video YouTube channel under my belt which has given me a better idea of how to create and release a content project as a one-off or multi-week project. These projects may have cost me time and money but I had lots of fun doing them, created some value and even built a small fan base along the way I named the Sans which are really just an extension of my fam. However, I saw that I was exhausting myself between heading sales at a startup and putting out 40 videos per month on YouTube and Facebook.

I needed to find a more time effective solution…

I eventually realized blogging may be just the solution I was looking for, the perfect manageable side hustle and outlet I can balance with my full-time role as Director of Sales at Meural. So, today, I officially would like to announce my blog, The Code of San. In this blog, I will share tips on personal finance, travel, career tips, philosophy and lifestyle design methods for aspiring entrepreneurs that I’ve learned over the past 4 years.

My brother and I at New Mexico Military Institute in 2012.

Now, you may be wondering, who the f*%k are you? Why should I listen to some punk ass kid? That’s a good question, let me share a little more about my background.

Just to give you a super short background on me, I’m a 23-year-old sushi loving growth hacker (dude who helps companies get lots of users and sales fast) from Brooklyn. I was born in Brooklyn, grew up in Long Island, finished military school in Roswell, N.M (long story, for another time) and always knew I wanted to have an impact. By age 19 I transitioned my focus from the traditional life route of, go to college, get a job, retire and die unfulfilled to asking myself “How can I become financially free at a very young age? How can I become wealthy, not just making enough?”

If I had to guess, the process of figuring out how to become financially free so I can fund my dream projects like building schools, companies etc. really started the day I turned 19, after I learned about direct sales and entrepreneurship. At that time I entered major depression which I struggled with for 2 years, I still worked and studied religiously at this time but would often have thoughts of taking my own life, had insomnia and the stress showed in my eyes. I’m not sure exactly what caused it but something tells me it had to do with massive changes all at once like dropping out of college, going through temporary homelessness and overall just not really knowing what I wanted to do with my life.

4 years later (about the time it would take me to get a BS degree, not Bachelor of Science…) I can look back and say, I moved to LA, was briefly homeless, conquered my major depression, had 16 jobs, started 4 side hustles, got my first car that shortly after internally exploded, made a music album, released 52 YouTube videos on my YouTube channel, read 135 books, got engaged, generated $2.5 million in sales for 3 companies, made it in the news 3 times, traveled over 100,000 miles and helped build a multi-million dollar company startup company as Director of Sales all while still finding the time to do meditation retreats, volunteer at conferences and live a relatively stable life (at least by my standards lol).

I had the blessing of joining Meural at 21 years old when it was only 10 months old, fast forward I’m now Director of Sales and we’re doing millions in sales and have customers in 58 countries. #Grateful

I don’t say this to brag because truthfully I haven’t achieved much, I share this to make a point. I’m not that smart and didn’t have any special advantages starting out aside from being born in America and NYC. I just take lots of action and seek constant improvement, you can also sculpt your life to be full, especially if I could do it at a time when I was struggling with depression. People ask me “How?” They wonder how I could still stay productive while depressed, the answer is obsession and building mental strength. I got rid of the depression years ago but my obsession and focus on my mission is stronger than ever. Surprisingly, depression made me a stronger and better person as I learned how it works and how to overcome it. One of the most valuable things a professional salesperson can learn is how to manage their emotions, stay focused and be strategic in their actions. Approaching depression or any other mental barrier I perceived holding me back as a challenge is what helped me get through them.

I hope this blog can help you find your way, whether that’s getting a job or starting a hustle, I will do everything I can to show you how to maximize your life experiences while having fun and managing pain like the real shit you will face in your life like death, loss, betrayal and other depressingly grim realities of life on Earth while pursuing your dreams. This blog is about helping you find your way in a world filled with people looking to follow someone else’s way, this is for the self-starters. Thank you for stopping by, if you haven’t already check out Dan San TV for videos that can help you get started on the path of entrepreneurship, all methods I teach have been tested and proven to work with yours truly as the guinea pig. If you take action, odds are, they will probably work for you too.

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My First Blog Post: I Want To Start Sharing What I’ve Learned, My Backstory

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