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The number one goal of my blog is to leave you questioning life to a point where you begin to find solutions to the problems holding you back. I focus mainly on entrepreneurs but truth be told the journey of success is all mental. Being rich doesn’t require any physical labor, it’s a game of the mind. Those who understand how to use their mind can attain great power and influence to change the world. In this post, I will break down 7 fundamental principles you didn’t learn in school, these are 7 principles that you may not like to digest but are prudent to ensure you achieve success in your life journey. You can digest these 7 principles and take the red pill or stop reading now and take the blue pill to remain in your comfort zone coffin. The choice is yours, so let us begin..

1) The World Is Not Fair

If you are reading this, odds are you have been fortunate enough to have internet, food, safety, education and many other luxuries that most people in the world do not have. I recently met an Ethiopian Uber driver in Dallas who used to run 7 miles to school and 7 miles back every day. You may think school sucks as it is but running a half marathon every day for it sounds insane. Well, he was one of the lucky 4% in his village who at that time were able to get an education. Most of his peers and neighbors spent the rest of their life being farmhands who cannot read and know nothing of the world outside their small village.

This kid was born into a life way harder than yours for no reason, you hit the lotto.

You have luxuries, they don’t. You and me, we are lucky. Life isn’t fair and you need to take advantage of whatever resources and opportunities you have. Be grateful and know life is not fair and won’t look out for you, be ethical, be smart, be agile.

2) You Will Die One Day

I know this sounds grim but there is a beautiful silver lining on this cloud, I promise. Yes, one day you are definitely going to die and fade away, that day may be tomorrow or 80 years from now but it’s definitely coming so it’s good if you keep that in mind. Many people, especially in safe and comfortable places like America forget that we will, in fact, die one day and live casually as if nothing long-term matters. Everything you do today not only matters but effects your future. Every second is a limited resource that you can never replenish, time is not money. You can get more money but not more time so use it wisely and covet it as if it were your life. Successful people respect time so they pack their life with activities that they enjoy, are highly productive and create a lifestyle that allows them to achieve their wildest dreams.

One day, you will be buried under a grave that looks probably something like this. You may even just be some ashes spread around the local park. Most of us don’t get buried like Pharaohs. That’s okay though because you can still do cool stuff while you’re alive.

Maintaining a moderate sense of urgency and casually reminding yourself of the impending doom that is coming for you one day are great ways to stay alert, focused and get shit done. You will die one day, build a legacy that lives on past your death.

3) You Are Not Special But You Are Valuable

There are over 7 Billion people in this world and if you were to disappear the world wouldn’t change too much, even if you were the President, in 100 years no one will really care about you and in 300 years you will likely be forgotten. Now just because you are not special doesn’t mean you don’t have purpose and value. It just means that you need to stop looking for your “special” purpose and create a purpose for yourself that aligns with your values and what you want to see changed in this world. You have value but it won’t do anything unless you put in work to bring it to life. What’s truly special is the organizations, ideas, and creations that are brought to life by groups of people that outlives them all and carries on to bring more value to later generations.

There are many people out there who are smarter, faster and stronger than you. Your not special but you can achieve special things before you peace out.

Always remember, you are not special but your work and contributions can have a very valuable and special impact on the world.

4) Most People Are Insecure, Inspire Them

You may not have noticed but most people are deeply insecure. If you take the average person and ask them to speak in front of 500 strangers they will usually freak out. It’s not because they are terrible speakers, just that their self-image does not justify such a level of special attention in their mind. They feel, “Who am I to have all these people listen to me?”. Most guys will not approach the 10s in a room because they fear they are not worthy when in reality she is likely just as insecure because her Dad may not have given her much attention as a kid. The irony is crazy but it’s common. Many people do not receive positive affirmations and constructive self-talk at home as children so they view themselves as unworthy and naturally talk themselves out of doing things that would make them successful and powerful.

Hero’s set the example and inspire others around them to follow their lead. It is a primal part of human nature.

The average person can achieve great things but it is the way they view themselves that holds them back from achieving greatness. If you sculpt your self-image and belief then follow that up with massive action, you will inspire others around you and that creates a chain effect. This is what I call, the “hero effect” it’s when people begin to idolize you as their hero and seek to imitate and emulate you.

5) Question Everything You’ve Been Taught To Believe

Most of us absorb what our parents, school, and our general environment teach us and accept that as absolute reality. We don’t question the religion, ideas, or values we were taught. This comes from the natural human desire to “fit in” and be “accepted” into the social groups around us. The problem is when you do this, you are putting yourself in a position to be manipulated and controlled by others even if that is not their intent. You need to think deeply about what you believe to truly be free and live life on your terms. If you simply submit to what you were taught then you are a slave to your environment and will be limited to what your surroundings were.

Question everything, you may experience temporary extreme anxiety but it’s well worth it once you start to break down and understand your mental models.

You must abandon and rediscover everything you believe, start by questioning your old beliefs and supporting the new ones with evidence. This will force you to deeply think about everything you believe and make you face your own demons.

6) Seek Criticism From Reputable Experts

The average person gets offended by criticism and seeks yes men as friends, that is why they are average. If you want to be successful you must find smart people who are better at you in the craft you which to become great in then get their constructive feedback. Use all criticism you get to fuel your understanding of what you can improve and where you are weak. If you do this you will evolve rapidly and gain respect for your humility and coachability that masters look for in proteges.

Luke Skywalker became great because he listened to Yoda and the masters around him. Yoda appreciated this greatly as depicted in this rare video footage of Jedi training.

7) Never Stop Learning

One common mistake that many people make is that they think their education ends after college. If you want to be successful, have a competitive edge and stay informed you need to read and I’m not just talking about novels. You need to read a spectrum of things like history, business books, biographies and other books around things that interest you so you have a wider understanding of the world. 1/4 Americans didn’t read a book last year and the vast majority read less than 10 last year, most of which were fictional books created for entertainment, not education. It’s easier to be entertained than educated but the price you pay is greater, educate yourself today to reap the reward tomorrow. The average CEO reads 50 to 60 books per year. The most successful people you’ve heard of like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. read for hours every day consuming new knowledge to give them an edge in the game of success. The key is to train yourself to not just react to what teachers forced you to learn your whole life but to selectively seek information that aligns with your personal goals, dreams, and desired knowledge. Learn how to self-educate and never stop learning through books, classes, coaches, and training programs.

This smart guy in the red sweater has a good quote that may explain this better than I can.



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The Red Pill: 7 Brutal Principles of Success


  • Jan Zac

    Hello ,

    I saw your tweets and thought I will check your website. Have to say it looks very good!
    I’m also interested in this topic and have recently started my journey as young entrepreneur.

    I’m also looking for the ways on how to promote my website. I have tried AdSense and Facebok Ads, however it is getting very expensive. Was thinking about starting using analytics. Do you recommend it?
    Can you recommend something what works best for you?

    Would appreciate, if you can have a quick look at my website and give me an advice what I should improve: http://janzac.com/
    (Recently I have added a new page about FutureNet and the way how users can make money on this social networking portal.)

    I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Maybe I will add link to your website on my website and you will add link to my website on your website? It will improve SEO of our websites, right? What do you think?

    Jan Zac

    • dansan

      Hey Jan, nice to connect. Thanks, I’m just experimenting and seeking to start a consistent blog at the moment. I haven’t started actively promoting my site yet but I plan to do so starting in 2018. I didn’t see your email signed up on my newsletter, which one did you subscribe to?

      I checked out your site, it looks great man! Looks like it has a lot of valuable information. Before we discuss collaboration, I’d love to learn more about you and your site. I checked it out, the About Page is cool, I like how it’s a story. Also, the information is useful and focused towards an audience seeking passive income. What is the primary goal you want to achieve with your website and how can I help?

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